The Kilpi MAULES-M is a men's waterproof pant for hiking and other outdoor activities. They provide you with reliable protection against the rain, wind and cold. The SIBERIUM material with a water column of 10,000 mm/m2/24h and sealed seams is extremely lightweight. The pants are easy to pack, so you can take them with you in your backpack at any time. Their weight in a size M is just 150g. They have a wide elastic band at the waist which adapts to the body. The lower legs have Velcro fastening, elasticated hems and metal hooks that make it easy to attach to hiking boots. The Kilpi MAULES-M pants also feature reflective logos that are visible in the dark.
Model in the photo: Size M, height 183 cm, chest circumference 106 cm, waist circumference 85 cm, hip circumference 95 cm.